May 31 was a red-letter day for me and to most Triskelions who answered the call of Brod Diether Ocampo for support. First, it marked the first time I will be reuniting with my fraternity brods/sis from the University of Santo Tomas since I was gone into hibernating. Oh, that was about 30 years ago… Second, the Fun Run was for a noble cause of feeding and educating street children under brod Diether Ocampo’s K.I.D.S. Foundation.
As May 31 approaches, I felt the adrenaline rush reaching higher levels. However, the days before the event, the weather seemed not so cooperative. Rain showers filled most of the days. I was hoping that the event organizers would offer eggs to Sta Clara to erase the rains even just to finish the race. By the way, is there any truth to this? In fact, at about 3:30am I texted Ms Roxanne of the KIDS Foundation to ask if the event will go on as scheduled. She replied in less than a minute to my query that rain or shine the race will go on.
I can just imagine that with the heavy downpour, the Fun Run might be aptly dubbed as KIDS Fun Swim or even KIDS Flood Run or whatever. Hehehe…. However, the rains did not deter me from getting up from my bed and trekking to the shower. At the shower, with eyes and mind still half-awake, I kept asking myself what will happen if the rains continue to flood the streets.
On the way to UP, there were still rains, and I prayed that the rain will stop because everybody took time out (especially from deep slumber on a Sunday) for a worthy cause. At the back of Palma Hall parking lot, I saw two brods named Leo and Gary. I was with my biological brod, who incidentally is a fellow triskelion, and told him I’m home again. Yes, I’m home with my fellow Triskelions. And what a fitting comeback it was because there I was at our mother chapter as if renewing my vows.
The race started as scheduled. Too bad, there were many brods from different chapters who were late and weren’t able to participate. I hope next time there will be a Fun Run especially for brods who are late risers, because according to brod John B, most brods have their own personal jet lag or their alarm clocks always fail them. Bwahahaha….
At the car on our way home, though dead tired and hungry, I am still in high spirits. I know I am back. Yes I am and I am a proud triskelion. Kudos to brod Diether for an act worth emulating. You made all Trsikelions proud!
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